Monday, August 19, 2019

What is engineering? What is technology?

Today students worked through two investigations that started with the questions, "What is engineering?" and What is technology?" Students created a 10-inch tower with constraints on materials that could hold a stuffed animal for 10 seconds. Then they created containers for school supplies, sound amplifiers, water transfer systems and a stuffed animal protection device.

We start and end the day playing, reflecting and praying. Today's game, called Zip, Zap, Zop (later we added a boing!) involved cadence and the transfer of energy from one person to another. It was a great first day!

Oli is brainstorming his tower plan
Caden and Joey discuss their plan

 Sam and Tristan construct their tower

Owen and James construct their tower
Ashley and Kaylee have a different plan

Oli's sound amplifiet
Kate's carrying device
Isabella's water transfer funnel

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